######################## Example Script #################################### # Only lines starting with 'p' or 'o' are read, so you can add comments # and info as you like by using other linestarting characters. # The 'p' line describes the final 360 degrees panoramic image # This one should be 800 pixels wide: p w800 # The 'o' lines describe input images. # These should not be rotated around the center (r0), nor tilted (p0). # each is rotated around a vertical axis (y0-330). Horizontal field of view # is 45 degrees (v45) and the image should be saved to the buffer 'buf' o f0 r0 p0 y0 v45 -buf o f0 r0 p0 y30 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y60 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y90 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y120 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y150 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y180 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y210 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y240 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y270 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y300 v45 +buf -buf o f0 r0 p0 y330 v45 +buf -buf # That's all. After Panorama Tools has read one 'o'-line, it disables it # by placing a '#' in place of the 'o'. That way it is possible to convert # several images using the same scriptfile.